Introducing Gradio Clients

  1. Chatbots
  2. Messages Format

Using the Messages data format

In the previous guides, we built chatbots where the conversation history was stored in a list of tuple pairs. It is also possible to use the more flexible Messages API, which is fully compatible with LLM API providers such as Hugging Face Text Generation Inference, Llama.cpp server, and OpenAI's chat completions API.

To use this format, set the type parameter of gr.Chatbot or gr.ChatInterface to 'messages'. This expects a list of dictionaries with content and role keys.

The role key should be 'assistant' for the bot/llm and user for the human.

The content key can be one of three things:

  1. A string (markdown supported) to display a simple text message
  2. A dictionary (or gr.FileData) to display a file. At minimum this dictionary should contain a path key corresponding to the path to the file. Full documenation of this dictionary is in the appendix of this guide.
  3. A gradio component - at present gr.Plot, gr.Image, gr.Gallery, gr.Video, gr.Audio are supported.

For better type hinting and auto-completion in your IDE, you can use the gr.ChatMessage dataclass:

from gradio import ChatMessage

def chat_function(message, history):
    history.append(ChatMessage(role="user", content=message))
    history.append(ChatMessage(role="assistant", content="Hello, how can I help you?"))
    return history


The following chatbot will always greet the user with "Hello"

import gradio as gr

def chat_greeter(msg, history):
    history.append({"role": "assistant", "content": "Hello!"})
    return history

with gr.Blocks() as demo:
    chatbot = gr.Chatbot(type="messages")
    msg = gr.Textbox()
    clear = gr.ClearButton([msg, chatbot])

    msg.submit(chat_greeter, [msg, chatbot], [chatbot])


The messages format lets us seemlessly stream from the Hugging Face Inference API -

import gradio as gr
from huggingface_hub import InferenceClient

client = InferenceClient("HuggingFaceH4/zephyr-7b-beta")

def respond(message, history: list[dict]):

    messages = history + [{"role": "user", "content": message}]


    response = {"role": "assistant", "content": ""}

    for message in client.chat_completion(
        token = message.choices[0].delta.content

        response['content'] += token
        yield response

demo = gr.ChatInterface(respond, type="messages")

if __name__ == "__main__":


The full contents of the dictionary format for files is documented here

class FileDataDict(TypedDict):
    path: str  # server filepath
    url: NotRequired[Optional[str]]  # normalised server url
    size: NotRequired[Optional[int]]  # size in bytes
    orig_name: NotRequired[Optional[str]]  # original filename
    mime_type: NotRequired[Optional[str]]
    is_stream: NotRequired[bool]
    meta: dict[Literal["_type"], Literal["gradio.FileData"]]