Introducing Gradio Clients

  1. Components
  2. ScatterPlot

New to Gradio? Start here: Getting Started

See the Release History


import gradio as gr import pandas as pd import numpy as np simple = pd.DataFrame(np.array( [ [1, 23, "USA", "Ford Mustang"], [2, 40, "USA", "Chrysler New Yorker Brougham"], [3, 32, "Japan", "Toyota Corolla"], [4, 32, "Europe", "Mercedes Benz"], [5, 15, "USA", "AMC Matador"], [6, 35, "Europe", "BMW X5"], [7, 28, "Japan", "Honda Civic"], [8, 15, "Japan", "Honda Accord"], [9, 41, "Europe", "Peugeot 208"], ] ), columns=["Age", "Miles Per Gallon", "Origin of Car", "Name"]) with gr.Blocks() as demo: gr.ScatterPlot( value=simple, x="Age", y="Miles Per Gallon", title="Car Data", container=True, width=400, color="Origin of Car", tooltip="Name" ) demo.launch() pandas numpy


Creates a scatter plot component to display data from a pandas DataFrame.


As input component: The data to display in a line plot.

Your function should accept one of these types:
def predict(
	value: AltairPlotData | None

As output component: Expects a pandas DataFrame containing the data to display in the line plot. The DataFrame should contain at least two columns, one for the x-axis (corresponding to this component's x argument) and one for the y-axis (corresponding to y).

Your function should return one of these types:
def predict(···) -> pd.DataFrame | dict | None
	return value




Class Interface String Shortcut Initialization



Uses default values


import gradio as gr

from scatter_plot_demo import scatter_plots
from line_plot_demo import line_plots
from bar_plot_demo import bar_plots

with gr.Blocks() as demo:
    with gr.Tabs():
        with gr.TabItem("Line Plot"):
        with gr.TabItem("Scatter Plot"):
        with gr.TabItem("Bar Plot"):

if __name__ == "__main__":


Event Listeners


Event listeners allow you to respond to user interactions with the UI components you've defined in a Gradio Blocks app. When a user interacts with an element, such as changing a slider value or uploading an image, a function is called.

Supported Event Listeners

The ScatterPlot component supports the following event listeners. Each event listener takes the same parameters, which are listed in the Event Parameters table below.

Listener Description, ···)

Event listener for when the user selects or deselects the NativePlot. Uses event data gradio.SelectData to carry value referring to the label of the NativePlot, and selected to refer to state of the NativePlot. See EventData documentation on how to use this event data

ScatterPlot.double_click(fn, ···)

Triggered when the NativePlot is double clicked.

Event Parameters
